Source :

franfurence convention report
Beware, that long ! I didn't sleep a lot, resecpectilvt 4h30, 7 h, and 4 hours.

- thursday : it was my birthday, i awaited Ouragan in my diapers and day clothes, all ready. I left under my parents ranting. We make a not too long trip and reached the place. Was a great things to see all this good furs. It was a castle with a great park, truly nice (expect how cold it was in !). We spend the night playing some games. Morkheleb offered a book about baby animals, and ouragan two care-bears (funshine and wish). I was so happy. Lightfox make two pics of me for my birthday, and i get some art from Bonga the panda and Rimou (no scanner, badly).

- friday : begun to walk around in overalls, tails, diaper and pacifier ;-) I learned to play DDR, but i disliked this game, i'm too clumsy. Yakeo and timduru showed their fursuits, was nice. The night who speand watching some nices shorts movies, but i didn't go to the dance.

- saturday : short walk in the park, cute ;-) Then a nice talk about journalism and furry (and one of the most horrible tv reportages i have seen about us). Then a big big rpg games with 15 players ! Split in teams, we was all playing around. I loved, but fall asleep before the end (and with the bad news in the morning that i knowed a way to make us succeed).

- sunday : cleaning, back home. I goes back home to heard my father saying "you can go outside, stupid guy". my mother said "it's your son after all" father " not anymore since a long time ago" i was awaiting such comments and goes to bed.