Balto fans unite! This is a page dedicated to the artist and other fans of the animated movie Balto. The pictures, articles and other additional text available here are all copyrighted to their repective owners, and should not be posted in any public forum without the artist/writers permission. In addition, this site has no affiliation with Universal, or Ambin Entertainment.

New Balto artwork is always appreciated! See the bottom of this page for submission instructions

Changes as of 5/25/98: Added new artists Busara, Reddawg, and Snow Wolf. Lots of great pictures, be sure to stop by and check them all out. Also updated the links page, adding some more interesting Baltoish places here and there about the web.
In search engine news, for some reason Infoseek lost my site YET AGAIN. *Sigh* Idiots. This is about the 10th time I've had to resubmit, and some sites which have been dead for over a year manage to stay on. I just don't get it... And I still haven't heard back from Yahoo even though I've submitted to them about a dozen times over the last year... If anyone else wants to attempt to submit my site for me, go ahead. Maybe you'll have better luck then I am having.

Anyways, got a couple of additional artists in the queue, so be sure to stop by again in a week or so!

Click below to check out the art pages

Other Balto Stuff

So, you are saying to yourself... "Gee, whatever will I do with these dozens of pictures that I drew of Balto?" don't despair! You can put them up on display for other Balto fans and the rest of the world to see! (And yes, I'll also accept pictures of Jenna, Steele, Kaltag, Star, Nikki, Boris, Muk and Luk, and any of the other characters as well). If you don't have access to a scanner, and you don't mind risking your artwork to the postal service, I can even scan in your pictures for you. For more information, e-mail Balto Submissions.

If you just want to drop me a line and say hello, or talk about Balto, then e-mail me at

Go Balto! Go!

Any additional questions/comments/problems/broken links/etc should be directed to Balto Web Admin

The End